

Education for Peace and Security: A Case Study of Nigeria’s Education Curriculum

Education for Peace and Security: A Case Study of Nigeria’s Education Curriculum

Education for Peace and Security: A Case Study of Nigeria’s Education Curriculum

Nigeria, a country in West Africa, has been plagued by various security challenges, including Boko Haram insurgency, banditry, and kidnapping. These challenges have not only led to the loss of lives and property but have also disrupted the education sector, leaving many children out of school. To address these challenges, there is a growing recognition of the need to incorporate education for peace and security into Nigeria’s education curriculum.


The Nigerian government has made efforts to promote peace and security through education. The National Education Policy (2013) emphasizes the importance of peace education, stating that education should aim to promote “peace, unity, and stability” in the country. However, the implementation of peace education in Nigeria’s schools remains limited.


One of the main challenges facing the implementation of peace education in Nigeria is the lack of a comprehensive curriculum framework. While the National Education Policy emphasizes the importance of peace education, it does not provide a clear framework for its implementation. As a result, many schools in Nigeria do not have a clear understanding of what peace education entails or how to incorporate it into their curriculum.


Another challenge facing the implementation of peace education in Nigeria is the lack of trained teachers. Many teachers in Nigeria lack the training and skills needed to effectively teach peace education. This has resulted in a lack of confidence among teachers to incorporate peace education into their teaching practices.


Despite these challenges, there are several initiatives in Nigeria that are promoting peace education. For example, the Nigerian government has established the National Commission for Nomadic Education, which aims to promote education among nomadic communities in Nigeria. The commission has developed a peace education curriculum that is being implemented in nomadic schools across the country.


Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are also playing a critical role in promoting peace education in Nigeria. For example, the Nigerian-based NGO, Centre for Peace Education, has developed a peace education curriculum that is being implemented in schools across the country. The curriculum focuses on promoting conflict resolution skills, tolerance, and respect for diversity.


In conclusion, education for peace and security is critical in Nigeria, given the country’s security challenges. While there are challenges facing the implementation of peace education in Nigeria, there are also several initiatives that are promoting peace education. To ensure the effective implementation of peace education in Nigeria, there is a need for a comprehensive curriculum framework, trained teachers, and support from NGOs and the government.

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